About me

Hi I’m Sian, a teenage girl who lives in the uk. I don't intend on remaining completely anonymous, but for now I'd rather not share too much about myself.

Throughout my life I've loved writing. I wrote fictional stories in primary school, and my love of writing and telling stories is just as strong today. And so, this blog was born. 
I created this blog because I’m at the stage in my life where I don’t really know who I am, or who I want to be when I grow up. As deep as that sounds, I'm just here to have a good time and try new things. 

I love singing, blogging, sleeping, working out and complaining. I grew up in the British countryside, dreaming of living in the big city.

My aim is to help you out by giving you tips and advice that will hopefully be of use to you. I will also share a bit of my everyday life, almost like a public journal

Social media

I'm very active on social media, so follow my twitter for more of my personal life and be sure to dm or tweet me!

You can follow my tumblr if you’d like.